japanese sword 意味

発音を聞く:   japanese swordの例文
  • Japanese sword


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. a japanese sword modeled after western armor .
    西洋甲冑を模した 防衛主体の日本刀。
  2. a claymore is struck against the side of a japanese sword .
  3. japanese sword vs . gun (colt government )
  4. the japanese sword only bowed widely and was not broken .
  5. the japanese sword only bowed widely , but was not broken .


        japanese sword museum:    刀剣博物館
        old japanese sword:    古い日本刀
        a sword:    a sword 一口の剣 いっこうのけん
        sword:     sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
        the sword:    the sword 武力 ぶりょく
        japanese:    Japanese 邦人 ほうじん 邦語 ほうご
        the japanese:    the Japanese 日本側 にほんがわ
        (sword) blade:    (sword) blade 中身 中味 なかみ
        a sword (blade):    a sword (blade) 一刀 いっとう
        a sword of damocles:     a [the] swórd of Dámocles Click...
        armed with a sword:    armed with a sword 帯剣 たいけん
        at point of the sword:    剣で強迫して、武力で
        at sword point:    剣で強迫して、刀を突きつけて、武力で脅して
        back of a sword:    back of a sword 刀背 とうはい みね
        bamboo sword:    bamboo sword 竹光 たけみつ


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